The Old Man Crew
I have a few clients who are into their older years, seniors you could say, or as I call them, The Old Man Crew.
I first started training them once a week on Saturday mornings around winter of 2019 (if I’m remembering correctly) and it’s truly been a privilege. It’s been a privilege because I look up to these guys, 3 men that have worked hard their whole lives and taken responsibility into their own hands, including their health. It’s been pretty awesome to see proof right in front of my eyes, that if you choose to take care of yourself, your quality of life will be far higher than if you didn’t.
These guys, ages 60+ - 70+, still go on vacations, still go golfing, still play slow pitch, still do yard work, still go skiing, still ride bikes, still deadlift 200+ pounds, still… you get the idea! I guess my point is, a lot of people think that as we get older, we should just accept our fate and accept we can’t move well, can’t do things we used to enjoy, get overweight, have back pain, have knee pain, take 100 different pills, and all the other things that come with getting older.. Sure, new and/or persistent aches and pains are inevitable, and we may not be like we were when we were 25, but your quality of life doesn’t have to suffer as much as you think.
Each week has has 168 hours, but lets minus 8 hours each day for sleep, now we’re at 112 waking hours per week.
The Old Man Crew comes in and trains with me twice a week, that’s only 2 hours! I’m well aware they do more outside the gym like, ride their bikes, go for walks, and some other activities. So keeping that in mind, let’s bump them up to 5 hours of chosen activity in their average week.
Let’s do some quick math..
5 chosen hours of activity within 112 waking hours equals about 4.5%. Meaning, you only have to spend 4.5% of your time taking care of yourself, and your life could be significantly different! You can be stronger, you can feel better physically and mentally, you can look better, you can alleviate aches and pains, you can improve your day to day life, and maintain a high quality of life for only 4.5% of your time, and I’d say that trade is well worth it.
DRUID Fitness