If I can train only once a week, will I even get any benefits?

Of course! Lifting weights once a week when done properly, using a full-body routine will have significant benefits vs not doing it at all. While training 2-3 times a week can be superior, lifting once a week will still give you worthwhile benefits!

Can lifting weights stunt growth in children?

No. This is an old myth, and simply untrue. Where the myth came from, I’m not totally sure. If anything, it can have the opposite effect! In terms of bone density, strong joints, and overall health and strength.

Will lifting weights hurt my joints?

Nop! Unless the exercise technique is poor, or you are overtrainined.. Again another thing that will have the opposite effect. Strength training when done appropriately will help your muscles get stronger and support your joints, along with better bone density. Helping prevent joint aches and pains in the long term.

Can I lose weight lifting weights?

This one is tricky, because the answer is yes and no. Lifting weights can boost your metabolism and increase your passive calorie burn throughout the day, as you build muscle and strength. But you also have to keep in mind, that muscle is far more dense than fat. Meaning that as you build muscle, you may not see huge changes on the scale, but you will notice yourself looking slimmer and more defined!

I don’t like to “workout” and don’t care about strength or big muscles, so why would I lift weights?

I guess my question back to that would be.. Well, don’t you like to feel good? And I’d bet that answer is yes. The benefits of exercise, especially strength training, extends far passed just looking good or lifting heavy things. If you were to ask almost anyone who has always exercised, they would likely say it’s for the mental benefits rather than the physical. Lots of research is coming out to show that lifting weights can greatly improve mood, and even be as, or more effective than medication for things like depression and anxiety.